
Thank you for visiting the
Vietnamese and American Veterans of the Vietnam War website, home of a group of
former soldiers of the Republic of Vietnam, retired U.S. Air Force, Army,
Marines and Navy. We dedicate this site to honor our brave men and women in
uniform who were fighting for Freedom in Vietnam, those who are now fighting
terrorism in a strange land so far away and those who lost their lives to defend
our great nation and protect our daily safety.
Americans are peace loving
people and do not want to send their loved ones to war, any war! American and
Vietnamese veterans who fought for freedom together, and the patriotic men and
women who now wage the war on terror, do not need hypocritical politicians, or
those who naively believe in non-violence at any price, to remind us peace is
better than war. Since World War II, even though we were a nation with nuclear
superiority, we never invaded any country; we never wanted to occupy any
country. On the contrary, we went out of our way to help other nations in post
war recovery unconditionally.
But on September 11, 2001,
without any provocation, fanatical Muslim terrorists cruelly attacked our World
Trade Center in New York, killing thousands of Americans. This deliberate
attack, right here on American soil, is nothing less than a declaration of war
against Americans. Additionally, these religious extremists also declared war
against other freedom loving nations. We must stop these fanatical terrorists
because we cannot afford another September 11 attack in America.
Many free nations have
joined us in fighting terrorism. Our brave men and women in uniform and the
coalition forces are fighting terrorists half way around the globe, so we do not
have to fight them in our own backyards. Since September 11, 2001, terrorists
could not inflict further damages or deaths in America despite their desperate
attempts. It was not a fluke, nor was it a miracle. It was because of our
aggressive and effective anti-terrorist policy worldwide. It was,
unquestionably, the successes our men and women in uniform achieved on the
battlefield. It was because of the hard, diligent works in the shadows
performed by our various security agencies across the nation and abroad.
We believe our soldiers need
and deserve a solid, united rear base to support their morale. Father Dennis
Edward O’Brian/U.S. Marine Corps once said: “It is the soldier, not the
reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the
poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the campus
organizer, who has given us freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, who
salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the
flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.”
All of us have incurred a
heavy debt to every service member who has served, whether they have been
wounded, missing, fallen on the battlefield, or returned to lead lives as
productive citizens. To repay this debt, we must be grateful to them for their
sacrifices, and keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
Thank you.
©Vietnamese &
American Veterans of the Vietnam War, 2005, 2006 All Rights Reserved